Chair: Ofer Bronchtein
Co-Chairperson: El Anis Qaq
Treasurer: Victor Perraya
Nicolas Berthaut
David Elfassi
Moses Soussi
Smila Rémi
Victor Perraya
Ofer Bronchtein
Ofer Bronchtein , chairman and co-founder of the International Forum for Peace, has been campaigning for 35 years for reconciliation between Israelis and Palestinians. Born in Israel, this Franco-Israel has received in April 2011 a Palestinian passport from the hands of Mahmoud Abbas, President of the Palestinian Authority.
His political career has led him to be the Advisor to the Secretary General of the Israeli Labour Party and to Deputy Prime Ministers in the 90’s. In 1993 he became strategic advisor to Yizhak Rabin and prepared Yasser Arafat’s return to Gaza. Based in Europe, in 2006 he was appointed Advisor to the Spanish Minister of Foreign Affairs Miguel Angel Moratinos.
Throughout his political career, Bronchtein has continued to have significant actvisit activities. After being director and president of the International Center for Peace in 1990, he became head of the International Center for Development and International Cooperation of Peoples, an institution funded by international donors to implement economic and social projects in developing countries. In Europe, Ofer became a founding member and executive advisor of Casa Sefarad, a Spanish public diplomacy institution based in Madrid in 2006, and its representative in France in 2007.
Most importantly, he founded in 2001 with Anis Al Qaq, a Palestinian diplomat, the International Forum for Peace which aims to promote dialogue between Israelis and Palestinians, Europeans and Mediterraneans, and implementing cultural , economic and Social development projects.
Anis el Qaq, born in Jerusalem, was the coordinator of Palestinian NGOs before becoming the Secretary of State at the International Cooperation, in charge of the relations between the Palestinian Authority and International Organisations. Initiator of the Israeli/Palestinian Parliamentary Forum with Ofer Brochtein, he is today the Ambassador of the Palestinian Authority in Bern.