Automatic english translation :
Le ministre israélien de l'eau, Sylvan Shalom (à g.), le ministre jordanien de l'eau et de l'irrigation, Hazem El-Nasser (au centre), et le responsable de l'eau auprès de l'Autorité palestinienne, Shaddad Attili, posent le 9 décembre après la signature d'un accord sur la construction d'un système de pompage dans la mer Rouge. | AFP/NICHOLAS KAMM

(Article published in Le Monde with AFP 10.12.2013)

Representatives of Israel, Jordan and the Palestinian Authority signed Monday, Dec. 9, 2013 in Washington an agreement, qualified as “historic”, to try to save the Dead Sea and fight against water scarcity in the region.

After eleven years of negociation to reached the agreement, a pumping system will be implemented in the Gulf of Aqaba and the northern tip of the Red Sea, to collect some 200 million cubic meters of water per year. A part will be then forwarded through four ducts to the Dead Sea, (…). CONTINUED HERE